Good for the goose is good for the gander.
Or in this case: Good for the foal is good for the fool

Why Ivermectin is the Only Cure You’ll Ever Need for COVID (Trust Us, It’s That Simple)
Folks, let’s cut through the noise. You’ve heard all the experts, the scientists, the doctors—yawn. But let’s be real. They don’t know what they’re talking about. The real answer has been under our noses the whole time. That’s right, Ivermectin.
This magical, horse-approved drug is what you need. Forget the fancy vaccines, the science-backed treatments, or even those other medications they keep talking about. We’re talking about a drug that’s been used to treat—wait for it—everything! From worms in animals to, dare we say, a little thing called COVID-19. It's a miracle, people. Why? Because it’s simple. No needles, no complicated formulas, just a little dose of this wonder drug and BAM, you’re good to go.
Sure, some people might say, “Hey, this is an anti-parasitic!” to which we say: “Who cares? If it works, it works!” Ivermectin is versatile—it’s the Swiss army knife of the pharmaceutical world. It’s been approved for humans! (Kind of!) And just look at how it’s been revolutionizing horse stables worldwide. If it can tackle parasites in a horse’s gut, just imagine what it’s doing to that pesky virus. Total game-changer.
And, let’s face it, folks—if it’s good enough for horses, it’s good enough for you.
So forget the rest. Stock up on Ivermectin, sit back, and let this all-natural, horse-friendly wonder drug save the day. The world might not be ready for it, but you will be. No need for complicated science when you've got Ivermectin on your side. It’s like the magic wand of medicine—just a little twist, and POOF, COVID gone!